My name is Nathalie Aurén, I’m a creative, Swedish speaking Finn living in Jakobstad, Finland. I live here in our old, light blue house together with my life partner Joonas, his soon 11 year old daughter, our dog Simba and our cat Oliver. And this spring our family will grow when our a little baby is born <3
Ten years ago when I founded my business I started dreaming about one day running my ‘soul and heart’ driven business. To be able to combine my many passions into different services and work with what I love on a daily basis. Already then I had a clear vision on what I would do, but I had no idea how that would come about.
To express myself creatively and at the same time help others follow their dreams was the core in my vision.
Over the years I, my life and what I’ve done in my business have changed many times. I’ve explored and tried my way forward, I’ve failed and been totally surprised by unexpected plot twists.
Life has truly showed me the way,
and now, looking back, I know every part of my journey has served its purpose.
Today I work as an artist, creative teacher and coach; my vision came true. At the moment I'm focusing mostly at my art. This spring I will go on maternity leave and invite a totally new chapter in our lives as our baby will be born i April/May.
How my business will look like during and after this major life changing event I can not know, but I have a feeling it will transform into something very very good with time. My business and mission will grow and expand together with me and us, and I really hope you want to join the journey.
In March my new web shop for my abstract paintings opened, which felt like a huge milestone for me. I hoping to get to focus more on my art and to contiunue to build my art business. Coaching offers and online courses for creative women and artists is also very high on my want to do -list!
But now I'm giving this little life that is growing in me all my attention and allow life to happen.
Thank you for being here!
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